Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to lose weight and keep it up

How to lose weight and keep it up, If you want to lose weight and keep it for life, then you must set reasonable goals to make them easier to follow.

How to lose weight and keep it up is also important that weight loss have a good attitude toward this idea. You have to be sure you really have to achieve, and not only that, but once we reached our goal to stay well.

Remember that not only trying to lose that extra kilos, but our health is at stake and not merely fashionable to be slim.

Please be aware that being slim is very attached to a different lifestyle, perhaps at this moment that we have, so it is necessary to continuously track our goal and not left to one side to the first opportunity.

Steps to lose and never gain weight again :
  • Stand on a scale and note how many kilos is over.
  • He thinks that losing weight is to gain health, that this way of thinking with you from this day.
  • Investigate the rate of nutritional and caloric values ​​of foods, if possible keep them in a table in your kitchen.
  • Do not wait any longer, start today preparing five or six small meals throughout the day.
  • Respects the pattern of daily servings you need from the different types of food as the food pyramid.
  • The food base has to be breakfast, it should contain plenty of germ and wheat bran.
  • Enough fiber and fluid to start the day for the rest of the day manifestation of a binge eating disorder.
  • Try not to skip any meals, in addition, two of them, mid-morning and mid afternoon, should be preferably fruit.
  • Get used to vary the meals each day to avoid the monotony that can sooner or later move away from this ideal way of eating and thinking.
  • Practice every day 15 minutes of stretching and 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, either aerobic, jogging, tennis or basketball.
  • The only programs that have been successful worldwide to lose weight and stay in the "ideal weight", have been those that combine diet and exercise.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ver Triunfo del Amor Capítulo 113 Telenovela

Hello friends today I bring the new capitulo 113 of your favorite soap opera Triunfo del Amor which you can see all of you for this your web Hot News Today - free soap operas in the company of close friends and family. Triunfo del Amor Capítulo 113 is on high quality video and sound that can not miss any detail of this super telenovela, besides that I can download to your computer. This is Triunfo del Amor Capítulo 113 Telenovela today Wednesday March 30, 2011. Greetings friends and enjoy their favorite soap opera!

Triunfo del Amor Capítulo 113, just follow the link you see below:

Remember to share with your friends on facebook your favorite telenovela Triunfo del Amor Capítulo 113 by using the button located above ..

To see some of you missed chapter Triunfo del Amor, just follow this link where you can find all chapters: Triunfo del Amor Capítulo

Friends if they detect that the link is broken or not properly routed to the video do not hesitate to report it by leaving a comment stating the problem, so you help us solve the case as soon as possible, thanks for visiting and have a good day.

Ver Triunfo del Amor Capítulo 113

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jackie Chan dies of a heart attack

The false death of Jackie Chan becomes world's Topic Twitter Trending. Hong Kong actor is the victim of a false story that has viralizado through microblogging network and that has confused Internet

"Jackie Chan dies of a heart attack." Is the holder of an apparently false story published today on a website calling itself '7 News'. The text explains that Hong Kong actor had died Saturday night in a Los Angeles hospital due to "the stress endured." The news reference even to Barack Obama. According to the report, the U.S. President had expressed his condolences over the "loss" of the popular actor.

Google does not offer more support information sources, Wikipedia behind it and not an indicator of earthly existence of celebrities, reports that the actor is still alive and kicking.

But the best evidence that the news is completely false is that this is not the first time that the nets kill Jackie Chan. Last August the same rumor spread, again causing a stir among netizens. At that time the side of the story was the same: Jackie Chan died of a heart attack.

Comparing the two false news, which today is in the air medium Twitter and August 2010, we find more matches. One example is the alleged statement of Barack Obama, with the same exact words. The two texts agree also on the supposed message of condolence actor Will Smith: words that are equal in the two stories, one after another. More? The two news remark that the family still has not made any official announcement of death. The only thing that differentiate the two stories that fueled the false rumor of the death of Jackie Chan is in the place of death.

The news has quickly viralizado social networks and the phrase '# RIP Jackie Chan' has quickly become Topic Trending world, ie one of the key phrases most mentioned by Twitter users at this time.

Some users of Twitter, misplaced, in their tweets wonder if some information. Others write messages of condolence and remembrance of the late actor who believe a few others explain that the rumor was, in the first instance, all a "shock" to them.

The latest news on Jackie Chan one days ago. AFP reported that the martial arts expert will join other celebrities on 1 April in a fundraising concert for victims of Japanese disaster. That's when the actor resurrect ... at least online.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The fruit and its benefits, a source of health for our bodies

The fruit and its benefits, a source of health for our bodies, The fruit is a source of health for our bodies because it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber without adding calories. Unaccustomed or bad habits do not profit from all its advantages. In Beauty and Health Blog we tell some of their properties and benefits.

The fruit needs no preparation, just wash it or peel it, so do not waste time in the kitchen. For this same reason, keep all your vitamins, because it is not processed. Some vegetables also contain important vitamins but lost cook. It is best to eat fresh fruit, not canned or cooked, but always better to eat between hours canned fruit than any other high-calorie food.

Children should eat fruit from small, two to three pieces a day. One serving of fruit can be replaced by a natural fruit juice, but it is best to get used from small and eat fresh fruit instead of sweets.

One problem that has faced the fruit is the myth that "fat" and that's not true. In a diet, your doctor may recommend eating the fruit first and then the rest of the meal, instead of leaving it for dessert, as its satiating power accounts for less calories and suppress hunger. This helps us to eat smaller amounts and thus lose weight. Or maybe you tell us not to eat fruit at night because they provide sugars that are not going to burn during those hours. In any case it's recommendations aimed at minimizing the intake of calories by reducing or differently combining what we eat. But the fruit itself is not fattening, in fact no serious diet that includes two or three pieces a day.
  • The apple is a diuretic and stimulates the elimination of toxins through the urine. It also provides vitamins C and B and potassium.
  • The banana is rich in magnesium, zinc and vitamins A and C. Because of its high sucrose content is not recommended for diabetics or low-calorie diets. However, it is ideal before prolonged exercise because it provides the sugars and energy.
  • The orange, and in general all citrus such as lemon, grapefruit or mandarin, are rich in vitamin C and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc and to a lesser extent vitamin B1 and folic acid. Its use strengthens the defenses and its fiber combats constipation.
  • The pear is good for soothing cough, lung congestion, gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • The peach contains vitamins A, B and C and have laxative and diuretic.
  • The melon is a fruit with considerable wealth in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin A. Fruit is a diuretic, laxative and preventive some sore throats.
  • The watermelon is made in 93% water, making it a potent diuretic agent, well suited for patients of heart and kidney. As the melon is rich in vitamin A, carbohydrates and potassium.
  • The ripe grapes must be eaten whole, skin and seeds, as in the grape skins are substances called fablonoides trigger movement and the seeds and peels reduce cholesterol levels.
  • The pineapple adds a lot of vitamin A and is special because it brings a lot of fiber, which confers a high satiating power. Furthermore, the heart of the pineapple contains brome Lina, used to activate the metabolism. For this reason it is especially recommended in slimming diets. It is also indicated to cure hoarseness that taking pineapple disappear in 24 hours.

Monday, March 21, 2011

April Fools Day Graphics Funny Animated Pictures Clipart Myspace Facebook Hi5

April Fools Day Comments and Wishes Glitter Graphics for your Friends and Relatives. Funny Animated Pictures and Clipart for Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Xanga, Piczo, Tagged and Friendster. Fools Day Pranks Images and Pictures for your Mobile Phones, Touch Phone, Smart Phones, Ipads, Ipods, Nokia Iphone4, Apple Cell Phones.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

The Dangers Of Excess Body Fat

If you want to see smart and sexy and want to live a healthy life then you need to reduce their extra weight. To that end, must make a plan to reduce excess body fat. It is very useful for maintaining good health, the prevention of disease. It is known that obesity is very dangerous for health and longevity. Let us first define obesity. When body fat than twenty-five percent of body mass in men and thirty-two percent women, this condition is called obesity.

After the amount of excess body fat can lead to many diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. The polls show that in the United States each year, 3 out of 4 people die either of heart problems or cancer.

If you are obese, then you need more energy to breathe, your heart will require further efforts to pump blood to your lungs and the large amount of fat, which is present in your body. This condition can lead to high blood pressure in his body due to extra load on your heart. Your heart can become enlarged, which is a dangerous condition and then you may suffer from irregular heartbeats.

Because obesity and inadequate functioning of the heart, the main parts of your body as the brain, kidneys, etc are unable to achieve good blood supply. Obesity also causes your heart to pump harder which can lead to high blood pressure. Increased blood pressure is a painful condition in itself and can cause other problems as well. People with this disease always have the possibility of getting a heart attack and kidney problems. Nearly twenty five percent of all heart diseases are caused due to obesity. Obesity is also a cause of high cholesterol in your body, which ultimately causes other problems in the body.

Medical research has shown that the increased amount of body fat and cancer have some type of relationship. Body fat is considered as a home for carcinogens. Carcinogen is a chemical that causes cancer in human body. In women cause breast and uterine cancer. In men, colorectal and prostate cancer is caused by obesity.

In the human body, there is a natural balance between body fat, insulin and blood sugar. Extra amount of sugar in the blood fills the liver and other organs of the main body. When these organs are completely filled with sugar, blood sugar becomes fat. There is also evidence that those who suffer from obesity more amount of insulin in your body. This is because the pancreas continues to make excessive insulin. Therefore, the body is unable to use this excess insulin and then causes diabetes. This also is a very alarming if not treated properly and timely and can also lead to other life threatening diseases like heart disease, kidney problems, blindness, amputations and even may be the cause of death. The Dangers Of Excess Body Fat

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Drink plenty of water is good or bad?

Drink plenty of water is good or bad? - Many diets and beverage advertisements advise drinking lots of fluids! .. But this is really healthy? I leave an interview with a doctor who tells us the truth about the amount of water that we drink ..

Interview with Dr. Juan José Rufilanchas Sánchez (JJ), cardiovascular surgeon at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid.
Interviewer: Julio César Iglesias (JC), journalist.

"Right now we have JC fashion extraordinary consumption of water, 2 or 3 liters of water a day. Is it objectively good water use and in what proportion?

JJ 60% - 70% of our weight is water. There is a trend that is continually being on water, and that's that for a normal person does not have much significance, especially for cardiac patients is an outrage, because ultimately, what they do is end up with heart failure or fluid on foot or in the gut, which we call edema, and no sense that these patients are taking diuretics to remove water and salt, which is what they do not handle well, and yet are taking 2 or 3 liters of water daily, as I do believe the media: newspapers, television ...

JC How much water we consume?

JJ If you have good kidneys, heart, good and hypothalamus, where the center of thirst, it also must drink what is thirsty, or a drop a drop more or less.

What happened? Well, first there is a major marketing campaign for everyone to drink water, and sure to fill the pockets of entrepreneurs who do not know, and second, the phenomenon of being right. The beauticians are our greatest enemies, are convinced that women and men, too, that drinking lots of water are removed wrinkles, and it is not true because not a single wrinkle removing drinking water. I invite our listeners to do a test.

Now weighed in and then drink 2 liters of water, weighed again and weighed 2 kg more, as each liter of water weighs one kilo. That water goes to the kidneys, which filter will be sending it to the bladder. When they start to urinate, urinate 1 to 2 hours this water. It weighed weighed again and the same thing at first. What have you done? They have shared water body. After those 2 hours, the number of water molecules in your body, is exactly the same as were 2 hours earlier.

The danger is dehydration but no water intoxication. Athletes in marathons die or collapse, we know since 2002, which is water intoxication. In the Boston Marathon, 2002, to 488 runners took their blood before and after running the marathon, and it was found that most of the runners had low sodium, ie, had drunk too much water, and that is collapsing and coming to the finish and lost consciousness or were confused, not knowing what they did, they all had water intoxication. None of those who had some dehydration, had no problem of confusion or syncope, ie that what kills is the water intoxication and not dehydration.

JC What are the effects of lower rates of sodium?

JJ From a low sodium, less than 125 parts per 1000, will begin to have tremors, confusion, memory loss and at the end we may collapse and possibly die. I have here the picture of an English girl who had taken drugs, was found ill and thought he was dehydrated and drank 3 or 4 liters of water immediately, and what's going on? That until the kidneys begin to filter the water, the cells swell and swell temporarily brain cells, which are stuffed into a chest, which is the skull which can not expand, therefore, cells brain are trapped and can reach a nerve disorder that leads to coma and death. Because of this mechanism is that people die running in marathons, because they come into cerebral edema and may eventually die from a water intoxication.

JC Do syncope are always serious accidents?

JJ Not necessarily. There vasovagal syncope who have little significance. Syncope is a warning sign that should be studied. There are many types of syncope, such as fainting is syncope and no one is alarmed by a faint no more.

What would JC natural consumption, acceptable, plausible water?

JJ There are two points. The person making a normal life and the athlete or person who trains a lot. The person who does not exercise any important, you have to drink what you're thirsty, not a drop a drop more or less.

We thirst center, for example if you take an anchovy now contains much salt, five minutes you need to drink, and asks what your body drinking water is the exact amount you need to dissolve salt containing the anchovy. Mechanism is so thin that you can not duplicate anyone, and especially can not duplicate the TV, where you see an ad that invites you to take 2 or 3 liters of water a day.

That is misleading and someone should lay its hands on this story, because that only leads to much money people earn is cheating us. Athletes is another problem has always been said the athletes' drinking ahead "and that also has been transmitted also to the public. Well, it is clear that good athletes, who won the marathon, has drunk a lot less water than reaching the final. The latter is the one who has been drinking all the time and you end up with water intoxication.

Well, maybe baby it is not good and her career instead of 2 hours does 6.horas good athletes drink little, if anything, are a little dehydrated, non-hydrated. Being hydrated is not good.

JC do you feel that drinking 3 liters of water a day is an outrage?

JJ Yes, I think a lot, since all you're doing is sharing its water. If indeed the water would have served some purpose, the next morning weigh 3 kilos more.

JC Not even some improvement in the kidney, no cleaning has been no phone? I talk about topics that we hear.

JJ at all, there is no cellular cleansing. In any case, what we do is to work more or kidney without. " (translate from :

Sunday, March 13, 2011

christine taylor pictures n wallpapers

Christine Joan Taylor is an American actress and hollywood celebrity. She was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania to Joan and Skip Taylor.jonh was a homemaker and Skip Taylor was an owner of a security company. Taylor began her acting career in 1989 at the age of 18 on the Nickelodeon Network children's television series Hey Dude.

In the 1990s, Taylor first dated actor Matthew Lillard. she met, actor, writer, and director Ben Stiller while filming Heat Vision and Jack. They married on 13-05-2000. Since then they acted together in films like Zoolander and Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story . On April 10, Taylor gave birth to her daughtere named Ella Olivia Stiller. They had a second child, a son named Quinlin Dempsey Stiller, on July 10, 2005.

Name: Christine Joan Taylor
Birth date: 30-07-1971
Birth Place: Allentown, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Spouse: Ben Stiller
Daughter: ella Olivia stiller
Son: Quinlin Dempsey

nicole richie wallpapers n pictures

Nicole Camille Richie is an American celebrity,Hollywood actress, author, and an aspiring singer. The adopted daughter of Lionel Richie, she is known for her role in the reality show The Simple Life and her turbulent personal life.

Nicole Camille Escovedo was born on September 21, 1981 in Berkeley, California. She is reportedly the biological daughter of Afro-Latin American percussionist Pete Escovedo and a woman identified only as a backstage assistant on Lionel Richie's 1980 world tour.Escovedo was a member of Richie's band.She was legally adopted by the Richies when she was nine.On July 31, 2007, Richie confirmed that she and boyfriend Joel Madden were expecting a child, due in early January 2008. She gave birth to daughter Harlow Winter Kate Madden on 11-01-2008.

Name: Nicole Camille Escovedo
Birth date: 21-09-1981
Birth Place: Berkeley, California, United States
Profession: Actress, author and singer
partner: Joel Madden (2006-present)

Look who is learning to make love to Vidya Balan

First-timer Tusshar Kapoor to undergo lovemaking workshops for Dirty Picture

He may have worked in films that have adult-rated content but Tusshar Kapoor has never had to indulge in lovemaking scenes on screen. Until now.

The actor features in his sister Ekta's production of Dirty Pictures, a biopic on South sex siren, Silk Smitha, starring Vidya Balan in the lead role.

He plays the only man Smitha truly loved and is slated to shoot intimate scenes with Balan sometime soon.

To help him lose his inhibitions, didi Ekta has suggested rigorous workshop sessions with the lead actress, where the two will get emotionally and physically comfortable around one another.

Tushar confirms, "It's true I'm doing the film. But I trust my director Milan Luthria enough to know he will make the content aesthetic.

There's a lot of intense passion in my relationship with Vidya Balan.

I play the only guy who accepted her for what she was and insisted that she keep her career out of their relationship."

Workshops with Vidya would be vital since Tusshar doesn't know her that well. "She acted in Ekta's Hum Paanch ages ago.

That's how I remember her. People are saying she's older and that we will be mismatched. That isn't true. I'm a year older. We'll work towards looking compatible on screen."

Curiously Tusshar doesn't figure in Ekta's other big production, the Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai sequel.

"I didn't suit any of the parts. Besides, I don't have to be part of all our home productions, " he chuckles.

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