Saturday, February 11, 2012

Romantic Valentine Day Ideas for Him

Romantic Valentine Day Ideas for Him

Here are some great ways to show the man in your life that you love him:
Romantic Valentine Day Ideas for Him
Room to Room Cocktails

Get your guy in the mood for love with some cocktails. Prepare a menu of cocktails that fit his adult-beverages preferences. Gather the potables needed to craft these beverage options. When your guy enters the house on Valentine's Day, greet him with one of these cocktails and encourage him to sit down with you on the sofa. After sipping away at your drinks and talking, ask him to move to another room in the house. Slip away to the kitchen and prepare another cocktail, taking it to him in this new room. To make your night even more meaningful and to facilitate conversation, write some questions on an index card and place one in each room, talking around the answers as you sip away. Try questions that promote reflection upon your relationship such as, "What did you think the moment you first laid eyes on me?"

Strip Trivia

Reward your guy for his knowledge by engaging him in a game of strip trivia. Prior to Valentine's Day, write a series of questions regarding your relationship, such as where you first met, how long you have been together and what gifts you gave each other for important events. Nestle down into the sofa and present him with the list. Allow him to move through the questions in any order he wishes. Promise him that for each query he successfully answers you will drop one garment of clothing. To make this activity last a bit longer, bundle up before you start the game. Failure to do this may result in the game coming to an abrupt, and steamy, end.

After-Dinner Treat

Even if your guy is taking you out to a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day does not mean that you are off the hook for the night. Do your part for your guy by preparing a post-dinner treat specifically suited to his tastes. Enlist a thoughtful friend to help you in your ploy. Arm her with a key to your home, romantic accessories like candles, soft blankets, snacks and a copy of a favorite flick. Text your co-conspirator before you leave the restaurant, instructing her to run over and set the scene. When you and your partner return home, your man will likely be surprised and delighted by the unexpected romantic set-up.
